Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Film Review: The Day the Earth Stood Still - Plenty Magazine
Film Review: The Day the Earth Stood StillPlenty Magazine,�NY�- Dec 12, 2008The self-righteous Treehugging moviegoer's dilemma: does a dud movie get brownie points for taking a stab at eco themes? By Tobin Hack The problem with ...

Automatic Post Feed

Friday, December 26, 2008

Green Tips

The Green Scene- Green Tips of the Week: Winter days and nights - Alameda Sun
The Green Scene- Green Tips of the Week: Winter days and nightsAlameda Sun,�CA�- Dec 24, 2008Check out more energy saving Tips and available rebates check out AP%26T Web site www.alamedapt.com/electricity/res_savings.html and PG%26E Web site ...

Automated Site Content

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Green Initiatives

Wow...I couldn't resist posting these informative Videos. A little something to check out, just to remember, just to remind ourselves, that don't get caught up in the day to day life, and depend on so many perishable and organic/inorganic wastes - That we forget about our initiatives.

Unless we put things in perspective, and embed the habits deep into our lifestyle, it becomes impossible for us to implement the discipline.

Again, my thoughts and totally my views.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

From Ha-ya-doin' to Howdy !!

Finally I am bouncing back to scribing again...
Wow, there is so much to share, so many thoughts, experiences to fathom...I just need to figure out a way to start. If you still did not gather what I am talking about, its about our move from the beloved North East to the exciting South. As most of my friends and family know, we have moved from NJ to Austin TX.

I was in the comfort zone that I have basked in for the past 9 years when I was in NJ, I finally had to muster the energy and enthu to get out of it and make a move. For those who don't realize what it takes, for some, moving from one place to another is a piece of cake. Usually they just go with the flow. But, for people like me, who are quite very well noted for their inertia, it could take a lot and quite an ordeal.

The last time I did a major move, I was a student turning into a professional, living out of 2 suitcases. All I pretty much had was my music collection, clothes, and few books....this time around I had a deluge of things, a family and about 3000 days worth of very fond remembrances that I need to take along with me.

We lived in NJ, and what many don't realize is, its a lifetime experience by itself. Living under the shadow of the greatest City in the world, professionals in NJ have two things that keep them going every day, every morning. First, they always can look towards the Big Apple, when it comes to opportunities. That could be either to raise their income level, or to boost their morale. Second, NJ itself has a diverse range of jobs and opportunities, where people take pride in being different from NYC. For that intellectual, who lives in NJ, it usually is that subtle balance of juggling between the both.

That was just the perspective of jobs and opportunities. There is a whole different facade of cultural attraction that NJ has to offer. Of course, its a very well known fact that NJ accommodates the most dense population of Desi folklore. For the disconnected average reader, Desi(s) are the first and X Generation Indian/South Asian people. Apart from the Desi Junta, you will encounter a rich Russian and Italian population too. Of course every metro area imbibes people from all cultures and backgrounds, but these stand out for sure.

When we mix in all these ingridients that NJ has to offer, viz., Proximity to the magic lamp called NYC, A flying carpet of cultural heritages from people all around the world, The average Alladin can really go places and have a grand gala time !

What it really takes for someone to let go of these and make a choice to be elsewhere....hmm....a messed up economy, a corrupt political system, A self-annihilating and ever deteriorating cost of living, and a real-estate debacle.

Our biggest trade off when we moved out was, our social life. It goes without saying that we are missing KalyanK, PavanG, SureshC, PrashantPP, PrashantP, PrashanthL, SriniB, RajeevD, SasikM, RaviB, Chicka and many more. We had a lot more, and I am not even kidding, but this gang - a fun and enterprising bunch, along with their better halves, cousins and kids are the multi colored pieces of glass that completed our Kaleidoscope of social life in the past few years. We surely miss you all !

One thing I must confess, As the Quote goes..."Once a New Yorker, always a New Yorker". Being in the NJ/NY area, one cant help but inculcate the true sophistication of the lifestyle, which we usually take it for granted when you are there. One will start to see the difference only once you get out of it.

Monday, April 28, 2008

at&t - Green Initiative years ago

Pictured: a low-pollution turbine installed in 1972.

Standby electric generators are an important adjunct to the operations of a central office. Working with the manufacturer of this 2,500-kilowatt gas turbine unit, AT&T modified the turbine's combustion chamber to minimize pollutants. To measure the pollutants precisely — which was essential to the turbine's redesign — Bell Labs researchers used several state-of-the-art techniques including chemical luminescence for nitric oxide, flame ionization for hydrocarbons and an acousto-optic method for carbon monoxide.

Thirty-six years later, we again celebrate Earth Week.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Solaris Disk replacement Procedure - Meta Devices

Here is a quick cheat sheet on the steps involved in replacing a mirrored disk managed by Sun Solaris Disk Suite. In this procedure there are steps embedded to actually break the mirrors, do the replacement and recreate the mirrors, to finally rebuild the data back into the failed disk.

Steps to follow are :

1. Login to the machine as root. Note down the metastat and metadb -i output to determine the number of existing entries for the metadevices. This is extremely important to serve as a comparison, and later on for verification.

Remove disk from disksuite configuration, to prepare it for physical replacement


(detach submirror d10 from mirror d0)

metadetach d0 d10

metadetach d1 d11

metadetach d3 d13

metadetach d4 d14

clear detached submirrors using disk cxtxdx:

metaclear d10

metaclear d11

metaclear d13

metaclear d14

Remove db replicas from disk c0t0d0s7

metadb -d /dev/dsk/cxtxdxs7

2. copy partition table from cxtxdxs2 to a file called /tmp/vtoc

prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/cxtxdxs2 > /tmp/vtoc

3. Have the field engineer physically replace disk c0t0d0 within the media tray.

4. Execute For solaris 8 and up devfsadm (or drvconfig;disks;devlinks )

This command readds the drive into solaris device tree.

5. copy partition table back to the drive from saved file /tmp/vtoc.

fmthard -s /tmp/vtoc /dev/rdsk/cxtxdxs2

verify labeling is correct with format --> partition --> print (for both the main and the mirror disks) and verify that they are exactly the same.

6. Recreate db replicas on slice 7

metadb -a -c 3 cxtxdxs7

metadb -i (should have the same number of replicas on the main and the mirror disks, in the above example 3 )

7. Recreate your submirrors

metainit d10 1 1 cxtxdxs0

metainit d11 1 1 cxtxdxs1

metainit d13 1 1 cxtxdxs3

metainit d14 1 1 cxtxdxs4

8. Reattach submirrors to resync data

metattach d0 d10

metattach d1 d11

metattach d3 d13

metattach d4 d14

9. metastat d0,d1,......

Maintenance is complete once the resync completes ..all metadevices should report as okay.

IT, SysAdmin, PM, BDM et al !!

Information Technology vs. Business Management

A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts, "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?"

The man below says, "Yes, you're in a hot air balloon, hovering 30 feet above this field."

"You must work in Information Technology" says the balloonist.

"I do," replies the man. "How did you know?"

"Well," says the balloonist, "everything you have told me is technically correct, but it's no use to anyone."

The man below says "You must work in business management."

"I do," replies the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

"Well," says the man, "you don't know where you are, or where you're going, but you expect me to be able to help. You're in the same position you were before we met, but now it's my fault."

Are you at a career crossroads? Are you asking "Should I become an astronaut, a firefighter, or a system administrator?" Here is a handy comparison chart that may help you make your decision.

Astronaut: Advancing scientific knowledge for the good of humanity.
Firefighter: Saving lives and property.
Sysadmin: Assuring uninterrupted access to alt.binaries.erotica.

Astronaut: "Study science and math and eat your vegetables."
Firefighter: "Study science and math and eat your vegetables."
Sysadmin: "DON'T DO IT! RUN AWAY!"

Astronaut: "Where do you go to the bathroom?"
Firefighter: "Do you really slide down a pole when the alarm goes off?"
Sysadmin: "Can't you do anything about all this spam I've been getting?"

Astronaut: Yes!
Firefighter: Occasionally.
Sysadmin: Only MSNBC's "The Site," which doesn't technically count as TV.

Astronaut: As computers get more and more advanced and able to control more of the functions of the space vehicle, yes.
Firefighter: As more and more people install smoke detectors in their homes, yes.
Sysadmin: As more and more clueless newbies discover the Internet, absolutely not.

Astronaut: "The Right Stuff"
Firefighter: "Backdraft"
Sysadmin: Uh... gee, I'm really drawing a blank here... "Wargames"?

Astronaut: Fairly long days during the mission, but lots and lots of time between missions to relax.
Firefighter: 24-hour shifts, but 48 hours between shifts to relax.
Sysadmin: Not really "work hours" or even "work days"... more like "work millenia."

Astronaut: Lots of good stories to tell to impress members of the opposite sex.
Firefighter: Lots of good stories to tell to impress members of the opposite sex.
Sysadmin: You get ALL of the jokes in "Dilbert."

Astronaut: A few, from people who think the government should be spending its money in different ways.
Firefighter: A few, from people who think you take too long to arrive following a 911 call.
Sysadmin: You'll have to learn what comes after "trillion" to be able to count them all.

Astronaut: Multimillion-dollar space vehicle atop multi million dollar rocket.
Firefighter: Big red truck with flashing lights and siren.
Sysadmin: 1992 Toyota Corolla.

In conclusion, if the sysadmin option has seemed the most appealing in even one of these categories, you should become a sysadmin.

Top 10 Signs you work as a Project Manager in today's world !!

10. You lecture the neighborhood kids selling lemonade on "ways to improve their process".

9. You get all excited when it's Thursday so you can wear sweats and attend "Change Control Approval Meetings".

8. You refer to the tomatoes grown in your garden as "deliverables".

7. You find you really need PowerPoint to explain what you do for a living.

6. You normally eat out of vending machines and at the most expensive restaurant in town within the same week.

5. You think that "progressing an action plan" and "calendarizing a project" are acceptable English phrases.

4. You know the people at the airport hotels better than your next door neighbors.

3. You ask your friends to "think out of the box" when making Friday night plans.

2. You think Einstein would have been more effective had he put his ideas into a matrix.

1. You think a "half-day" means leaving at 5 o'clock and calling Developers in India, Russia and Shanghai on your cell phone, requesting updates.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Doctor in your Pocket ? - Make way for the bio-phone

Here is something that will tickle your gizmo minds, with inquisitiveness, pure awe and much more. Technology today is growing by leaps and bounds with every second ticking on the clock. Zillions of ideas are making way from pure fantasy to thorough implementation.

As Isaac Asimov once quoted: "The most exciting phrase , that heralds new discoveries in science is not "Eurekha!" but "Thats funny...", and of course thats thoroughly applicable as to how Japanese companies think and pursue their R&D efforts, especially in the Mobile Technology.

Cellphones today pack so much punch than the ones that came out...well yesterday! Thats a never ending topic to say the very least.

Well, here is something that NTT DoCoMo is venturing upon. Yea, of course, a lot of us have never heard of this company in the mainstream biased news/media. Its Nippon Telephone and Telegraph ( Is it the Japanese version of AT&T, not sure :)) .

NTT DoCoMo is betting that your cell phone will someday take the place of a live doctor. The communications giant is working with scientists at The University of Tokyo to develop a biochemical analyzer (or “biochip”) that uses artificially synthesized DNA and other proteins to react with organic compounds and create a molecular communication system. According to a recent press release, the chip could be used to “transmit information about the biochemical conditions of living organisms, such as excitement, emotion, stress or disease.”

Take a look at the picture on how it really works:

This would mean, if implemented, and if it reaches the common masses, one would actually have to sweat, cry, spit or bleed onto you own phone, and then the biochip takes over the operation :)
If the system works properly, a cell phone with a biochip could analyze a drop of sweat or blood and determine any number of things, from stress level to viral or bacterial infection. This information could be used to monitor your health and could even be sent instantly to medical professionals. These kinds of devices could be highly beneficial for people who live in remote locations and organizations such as Doctors Without Borders. A phone with a biochip could also be used for things like water quality analysis.

The possibilities are endless !!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wake up - Green is the way to go !

Adapted by Laura Malamud from the Daily Green

Conservationism has come a long way since the days of the simple "reduce, reuse, recycle." Today, the movement has expanded from a life change to an entire lifestyle and has earned the name "going green." You don't necessarily have to install solar panels on your home or trade in your car for a hybrid to become more environmentally conscious, though. You can start with just a few steps -- like the ones listed below -- that will help you reduce your carbon footprint and better the environment.

Bring a bag: When you go shopping, bring a reusable tote to carry your groceries or other items after making purchases. This reduces the number of plastic and paper bags discarded after a shopping trip.

Reuse water bottles: Less than 20 percent of plastic water bottles get recycled after a single use, so instead of buying a pack of plastic bottles, drink from the tap or purchase a reusable water bottle and fill it up each time.

Save electricity: Washing clothes in cold water and putting them outside to dry instead of using the dryer helps save electricity. Open a window and let in the light instead of flipping a light switch, and use smaller kitchen appliances when possible, like a toaster oven instead of a conventional oven.

Reduce gas guzzling: Obeying the speed limit helps reduce unnecessary acceleration, which will save on the amount of gas used and the percentage of carbon dioxide produced by your car. Also, keep your tires properly inflated to improve your mileage, and try not to "warm up" the car in cold weather unless it is absolutely necessary.

Stop paper bills: Many companies offer electronic options for purchasing and maintaining products, eliminating the need to send or receive paper bills. Online statements are available and automatic payments can be set up through any company's site or your bank.

Shop at local markets: Not only will your food be fresher and healthier, but you will also save gas by not having to travel as far to a grocery store. Shopping at a farmer's market also helps preserve local farms that might otherwise have to be sold to make room for development.

There are many other ways to better the environment and make your lifestyle more environmentally friendly, like eating a greener diet, trying eco-friendly home fixes and recycling used electronics. If you would like other suggestions on how to be more "green", please visit the Daily Green website.

Monday, March 31, 2008

at&t bags a sweet deal with Shell

The Hague, Netherlands, March 31, 2008
AT&T Inc. announced today that Royal Dutch Shell (Shell) has selected AT&T to be its global provider of advanced communications services. The five year agreement, estimated to be worth $1.6 billion, calls for AT&T to provide, manage and maintain Shell's worldwide communications infrastructure while also managing the company's global mobility needs. It is one of the largest commercial contracts ever signed by AT&T, and it's the largest agreement signed with a company that is headquartered in Europe. The agreement is one of three outsourcing contracts signed by Shell with key suppliers for networking and IT services.

This agreement with Shell follows a series of other large and strategic wins AT&T has secured in the past year, including deals with Starbucks, General Motors, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and IBM. All of these wins underscore AT&T's position as the leading global telecommunications service provider within the industry. The agreements with GM and the Department of the Treasury are each worth up to $1 billion; the IBM agreement is worth up to $5 billion.

Once the contract with Shell has been implemented, AT&T will provide managed network services to Shell and its subsidiary companies in more than 100 countries. AT&T will deliver wide area and local area networks, voice services (including Internet-based telephony), managed security solutions and mobility services. Shell will benefit from access to AT&T's advanced global Internet Protocol (IP) network to deliver cost effective, consistent, secure and highly reliable services.

AT&T will provide direct connectivity to 1500 Shell corporate and operating unit locations underpinning a range of services critical to Shell's operations. AT&T will also manage more than 600 separate third party contracts with more than 300 vendors around the world. These contracts include agreements for local connectivity provided by regional telephone companies, contracts with individual service providers and various other maintenance and operations deals.

Shell employees will have access to AT&T's industry-leading position in the wireless space both within and outside the United States and AT&T will manage the cellular services contracts provided by other mobile operators. AT&T will also support remote data access to Shell's Virtual Private Network (VPN) service for more than 50,000 traveling users and home-based workers.

AT&T offers the largest integrated GSM network in the U.S., covering 290 million people, and has the largest international coverage of any U.S. wireless carrier. Customers can make calls on six continents and in more than 200 countries — with wireless data-roaming in more than 145 countries for laptops, PDAs and other data services and third-generation (3G) service in 60 countries.

Shell chose AT&T after an extensive evaluation and procurement process. AT&T was able to offer Shell a world-class portfolio of IP-based products and services, a consistent global approach to its operations, and the significant local support Shell needs around the world. In addition, AT&T, a world-class networking provider, will be able to offer IT professionals who are expected to transfer to AT&T as part of the agreement the opportunity to further develop their skills and careers

"This important agreement with AT&T reflects our determination to accelerate Shell's essential IT capability, optimize our operations and ensure we can provide best-in-class IT services to support our global business," said Alan Matula, Executive Vice President & Chief Information Officer for Shell.

Shell will retain core skills within its own IT organization, while being able to access AT&T's world-class expertise in networking. Plus Shell will benefit from AT&T's significant economies of scale. Approximately 560 Shell networking professionals located predominantly in the Netherlands, Malaysia, the U.K. and the U.S. are expected to transfer to AT&T, joining the company's worldwide workforce of 300,000. AT&T will create dedicated service units in these key hubs to ensure that Shell receives continued support at these locations.

"We are delighted that Shell has chosen AT&T as its leading global networking solutions provider," said Ron Spears, AT&T president, Global Business Services. "We are committed to connecting Shell's worldwide employees, partners and suppliers, while delivering and managing the array of managed network services needed for the company to accelerate its business performance.

"Providing connectivity and applications to world-class companies like Shell is AT&T's core mission," said Spears. "I have every confidence that AT&T will exceed Shell's expectations for anytime, anywhere global communications."

AT&T provides advanced communications services to every company on the Fortune 1000 listing. Large global corporations and organizations are entrusting AT&T to build IP-based networks that will serve as the telecommunications and I.T. backbone for the achievement of their strategic business goals. Through the agreements with companies and agencies like GM, IBM, and the Department of the Treasury, AT&T has been able to demonstrate that it has the scale and scope required to execute these complex arrangements on a worldwide basis.

Additionally, the contracts reflect how AT&T is capitalizing on the ongoing shift in network traffic from voice to data - and more importantly to IP-based data — as customers migrate from legacy packet networks to Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)-based VPNs and managed applications. The company offers its multinational customer base consistent, resilient, standardized IP services around the world. These services include IP-based VPNs, which use the latest MPLS technology, and are complemented by an advanced portfolio of data-hosting services, applications and leading IP security offerings.

Courtesy: AT&T Communications Article

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spectacular Hyderabad Airport Is here

16 March 2008 marks a remarkable date on which the landscape and life of Hyderabad (my hometown) is changed forever. It has been a much awaited landmark that many people were looking forward for, whether they approved it or disapproved it for their respective reasons, theories and forecasts.

Albeit all the pompous promotions, theories that said Hyderabad is seeing and will continue to see unprecedented growth, boom, enhancement of image both to localites and for people otherwise...the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport a.k.a Shamshabad Airport, has raised quite a few brows as to how it will impact fellow Hyderabadis.

On an average, for the Hyderabad folks to either use the airport or otherwise, the total impact of having the airport in the so called "greater" area is about 270 INR per month. Thats pretty much what you have to pay, to be a part of Hyderabad. period. Might not seem to high, but thats quite a solid impact to the low-income-group and labor workers who work on daily wages, etc.

Nevertheless, the airport is supposed to be yet another medium to put Hyd on the map. If HiTec City, Fab City, Silicon Valley and Blue Chip companies, etc don't do that job already ! Thanks to these and many more feathers on its cap, Hyderabad has seen unprecedented real estate boom in the past few years. Its tougher to land a deal in Hyd for an apartment or piece of land than to buy a 4 bedroom house in many states in the US.

Again thanks to the tons of NRIs (like me) who are significant contributors to this boom...a ripple effect that seems to have no ending. Its quite next to impossible for a commoner to live in Hyderabad anymore. Booming callcenters, BPOs, BDMs shuttling back and forth between Hyd and the rest of the world...people's spirit and enthusiasm is no boundaries and the growth is at a rate as if there is no tomorrow !

The Shamshabad Airport (as its affectionately called) itself in its making has resulted in some invaluable partnerships between the Govt, GMR Construction Conglomerate, Malaysian Airport Holding Berhad, to say the least.

If not others, All the major Outsourcing Giants Wipro, TCS, CSC, HCL, Accenture, IBM, Delloite, Infosys, etc... to say the least, will have a ball shuttling around their Engagement Whizkids and Development Managers all around the globe in the coming months to bag those high profile global clientel' et al.

On the flip side, there are many a focused-groups that are actually worried about the repercussions of losing the Begumpet Airport, strategically located in the heartland of Hyderabad. Its a commuters paradise, which people will lose pretty soon. Now the million dollar (in fact valued much more) question is, if the Begumpet airport is decommissioned, what will the govt do with that land ?
If you are thinking on the lines of some goofy shady deals that politics usually result in, you are not the only savvy one out there. Someone will reap the money out of the roof for centuries to come by, on something of a mammoth deal(s) like that.

Nevertheless...fellow Hyderabadis and Travellers from all around the globe to the Intellectual Hub of India...congratulations on this achievement. Our lives probably will not be the same anymore !

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

F 117 Nighthawk's final flights?

Another American Legend's days numbered ?
If this is not a sign of US heading towards a recession, I will be surprised which one would actually be. Defense budget attributes to almost 30% of Tax payers dollars, or so I read elsewhere, don't quote me on that. Of all, USAF is doing bad is what I read...bottom line. Scary.

Nevertheless, The F 117 was a true beauty and an engineering marvel that enticed many a hearts during its 19 years or so of operation. The first one was delivered in 1989. With the Unit Cost of $122 Million, it sure was/is a mammoth to maintain in operations. Most detailed history/specs etc can be found at FAS 117 Website.

Truly a big blow to the "bandits" who cherished flying these over skies all around the world for various operations from Iraq to Serbia, and many more.

The F 117s are gracefully replaced by none-the-less F22 Raptors. An equally stunning looks and muscle power, elegance and $$s to maintain, but hey, its already there to deliver the punch, might as well use it more widely.

More details/specs at FAS F 22 Website.

Hopefully these are retained in the arsenal of the powerful USAF and not used for their true purpose, literally. I mean, world peace starts at home...and being powerful does not mean one has to keep exercising it, on and off, just to prove it, or otherwise.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Legendary Number 4 Retires !

NFL uhm...what can I say. Without football, somehow TV does not have anything interesting to watch, barring the History Channel, HGTV and Discovery that is (Of course a select few programs in them too). For all the Indian flicks, news and tracking cricket, we do rely the most on the WWW. Whats really left on the dumb idiot box with a typical American lineup...come to think of it, with out sports and that too not world sports, just American sports....practically nothing is left.

MTV has not been Music TV anymore. VH1 has great song playing, but thats early in the day during breakfast times. CNN is biased and obsessed with keeping the mass hysteria down inside the borders of this great country. The world might be crumbling with issues from global warming to terrorism and oil wars to Hedge funds...but CNN and Headline news enthrall in airing about missing people and celebrity goof ups alone. TBS and TNT are hung up on re-runs. BBC is a rare find, and USA is all about dead old movies and Monk...they are so lethargic, they request characters to come to them rather than creating some !

No wonder sports in this nation had to spread out to span the whole year. MLB, NFL, NBA and NHL...with sporadic outbursts of Tennis, Figure Skating and XGames...without these we would have been either zombies - sitting in our living rooms brain dead, or actually active adults - going out and doing something real.

Personally to me, NFL ended in a grand gala style. Our Superbowl this year was a phenomenal showdown. What more can we ask, Giants and Patriots and living in NJ or actually the Northeast, makes it even more fun. I mean, the beauty of it all is, none of the teams are from NJ ! And we still passionately make them ours...! We had 20+ people in our living room, Bose speakers yelling, Players coming to life in HD on the 50 in Panny Plasma...Pizza and Beer, of course. Everyone were pro NY, except Nee and I, Just for the giggles, we were with the Pats all season long. It was a riot that night.

Seeing Bret Favre depart after losing the championship game, that look on his face was one of my most disappointing moments this season. It did yell out..." I think I am done for good now"

A quick snapshot at this legend:

- Most attempts: 8,758
Favre set this Dan Marino-held record during the Packers' 23-16 win over the Minnesota Vikings on September 30, 2007.

- Most completions: 5,377
Brett took this Marino-owned record when he hit Carlyle Holiday with a 21-yard pass during the Packers' 17-9 victory over the Detroit Lions on December 17, 2006.

- Most passing yards: 61,665 (the equivalent of 35.07 miles)
Favre took another of Marino's all-time marks by hitting Donald Driver for a seven-yard gain during the Packers' 33-14 triumph over the Saint Louis Rams on December 16, 2007.

- Most touchdown passes: 442
Brett hit Greg Jennings for a 16-yard touchdown pass to overtake Marino again and power Green Bay in its 23-16 win over the Vikings.

- Most wins by a starting QB: 160
Favre earned this mark, surpassing John Elway in the Packers' 35-19 victory over the eventual Super Bowl Champion New York Giants on September 16, 2007.

- Most consecutive starts by a quarterback: 253
Brett nabbed this Ron Jaworski-held record when he took the field for his 117th consecutive start in the Packers' 14-13 loss to the Chicago Bears on November 7, 1999.

- Most Associated Press MVP Awards: 3
Brett overtook Johnny Unitas when the AP awarded a split of the honor with Barry Sanders for his performance during the 1977 NFL season.

- Most seasons leading NFL in touchdown passes: 4 (tied with three others)
Favre took his fourth league-leading mark in 2003 when he delivered 32 scoring throws.

- Most seasons, 3,000+ yards passing: 16
In his entire Green Bay career, Favre has never had less than 3,227 yards, the mark he set in his first year as a Packer. Favre set the record, overtaking Dan Marino, with his 2005 total of 3,881 yards.

- Most consecutive NFL postseason games with a touchdown pass: 18
Brett broke Joe Montana's all-time postseason total with his first of three touchdown passes in the Packers' 42-20 playoff win over Seattle on January 12, 2008.

- Most postseason passing yards: 5,311
Brett eliminated another Montana record during the Packers' 42-20 playoff win over Seattle on January 12, 2008.

- Longest pass completion: 99 yards, to Robert Brooks at Chicago, 1995
(tied with nine others)

And, yes, one he'd rather forget:

- Most interceptions: 288
Favre "earned" this mark with an interception thrown to the late Sean Taylor during the Packers' 17-14 victory over the Washington Redskins on October 14, 2007.

Brett - Kudos to your Energy, Commitment, Zeal and Vigor.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sun Fire 12k/15K System Boards

Time and again I have been asked by many a fellow folklore of mine to jot-down soup-to-nuts procedures about some typical SysAdmin tasks. So here I got with my first one. Hopefully I will help you conquer one or the other in the picture !!

Please beware, these procedures are not for the weak hearted, unless you are responsible for and know how to handle majority of Unix/Solaris stuff, I strongly urge you to stay away... and "Contact your System Administrator" ( lol...typical Msft disclaimer) accordingly.

The terminology is fairly simple, but do research around if you need to know more.

Fellow coffee-mongers and czars of the tech world, read on. Caution: Extremely Detailed

12K/15K CPU (System Board) Replacement using DR
The following procedure is used to replace a CPU board (System Board) in a 15K / 12K domain. Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) commands are used to replace a CPU Board with minimal interruption to a domain operation. All the operations described below are performed on the MAIN System Controller (except for steps 2b and 3b).

These steps need to be followed if a SUN technician determines that a CPU board (System Board)
in a domain is faulty and needs replacement. The board that needs replacement can be replaced without shutting down the domain to which it belongs.

1. Log into the MAIN SC as a domain administrator for the domain on which the CPU board is to be replaced. Verify with the SUN technician the board that needs to be replaced before powering off the CPU board. The list of boards in each domain can be obtained from the showboards command.

For example, to find out the CPU boards in domain A, type:

sms-svc:> showboards -d a
Retrieving board information. Please wait.
Location Pwr Type of Board Board Status Test Status Domain
-------- --- ------------- ------------ ----------- ------
SB0 On CPU Active Passed xxxx-A
SB1 On CPU Active Passed yyyy-A
SB2 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated
SB3 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated
IO0 On HPCI Active Passed xxxxx-A
IO1 On HPCI Active Passed yyyyy-A
IO2 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated
IO3 - Empty Slot Available - Isolated

2. Check to see if the domain in which the board to be replaced resides in is running Sun Cluster.

a. NOTE: The following command needs to be executed as root on the domain (NOT THE SC) that is having the problem.

# scstat

-- Cluster Nodes --

Node name Status
--------- ------
Cluster node: xxxxx Online
Cluster node: yyyy Online

b. If scstat returns with an output the domain is running Sun Cluster and if the board to be replaced has the permanent memory DR can’t be used. The domain will need to be brought down before the board can be replaced.

c. sms-user:> rcfgadm –d domainID –val |grep perm

If the SB#, which is in the first field of the output, is the same as the System Board that is being replaced, then the OS (domain) will be suspended for approximately 3 minutes during step 3. If the board doesn’t contain the permanent memory, skip step 2b and go directly to step 3. If the board contains permanent memory, execute the following command that will stop the xntpd daemon before proceeding to step 3.

For example: To check the board that contains permanent memory in domain A

sms-user:> rcfgadm -d a -val|grep perm
SB0::memory connected configured ok base address 0x16000000000, 8388608 KBytes total, 1097200 KBytes permanent

The output of the above command shows that the permanent memory for domain A resides on SB0.
d. NOTE: The following command needs to be executed as root on the domain (NOT THE SC) that is having the problem.

# /etc/rc2.d/S74xntpd stop


a. Power Off the CPU board to be replaced.

This command will unconfigure the CPUs and memory of this system board from the running domain. First, check to see if the board that needs to be replaced contains the permanent memory.

sms-user:> deleteboard


board: Specifies the board that is being replaced. For a 15K, the CPU
boards can range from SB0…SB17. For a 12K, the CPU boards can
range from SB0…SB8.

For example: To replace CPU board SB3

sms-svc:> deleteboard sb3
request delete capacity (4 cpus)
request delete capacity (1048576 pages)
request delete capacity SB6 done
disconnect SB3
disconnect SB3 done
poweroff SB3
poweroff SB3 done
SB3 successfully unassigned

The CPU board is now powered off and ready to be physically removed.

b. NOTE: If you needed to stop the xntpd daemon in step 2b, it should now be restarted. This command needs to be executed as root on the domain (NOT THE SC) that is having the problem.

# /etc/rc2.d/S74xntpd start

5. You or your on-site technician should now remove the faulty CPU Board from the slot and replace it with a new CPU board.

6. Power on the CPU Board.


sms-user:> poweron

For example, to power on the CPU board SB3 that was just replaced:

sms-svc:> poweron sb3

7. Update the firmware of the new CPU Board. This is required to bring the firmware of the new CPU board in sync with the firmware of the existing boards. Execute this step even if the firmware of the new CPU board is of a higher revision than the firmware of the other CPU boards.


sms-user:> flashupdate – f /opt/SUNWSMS/hostobjs/sgcpu.flash

Current System Board FPROM Information
CPU at SB1, FPROM 0:
POST 05/02/03 16:05:00 Release 5.14.5 Build 2.0 I/F 12
OBP 05/02/03 16:05:00 Release 5.14.5 Build 2.0
Ver 05/02/03 16:05:00 Release 5.14.5 Build 2.0
CPU at SB1, FPROM 1:
POST 05/02/03 16:05:00 Release 5.14.5 Build 2.0 I/F 12
OBP 05/02/03 16:05:00 Release 5.14.5 Build 2.0
Ver 05/02/03 16:05:00 Release 5.14.5 Build 2.0

Flash Image Information
POST 05/02/03 16:05:00 Release 5.14.5 Build 2.0 I/F 12
OBP 05/02/03 16:05:00 Release 5.14.5 Build 2.0
Ver 05/02/03 16:05:00 Release 5.14.5 Build 2.0

Do you wish to update the FPROM (yes/no)? yes

8. Configure the CPU Board in the domain.


sms-user:> addboard -d domain >


-D domain: Specifies the domain to which the board belongs.

board: Specifies the board that is being added. For a 15K, the CPU
boards can range from SB0…SB17. For a 12K, the CPU boards can
range from SB0…SB8.

For example: Replacing CPU board SB3 in domain A

sms-svc:> addboard -d a sb3
configure SB3
configure SB3 done
notify online SUNW_cpu/cpu96
notify online SUNW_cpu/cpu97
notify online SUNW_cpu/cpu98
notify online_SUNW_cpu/cpu99
notify add capacity (4 cpus)
notify add capacity (1048576 pages)
notify add capacity SB3 done
SB3 assigned to domain: A

Thats it, you are all done !

12K/15K CPU (System Board) Replacement without DR

Follow this procedure when system is at the OK prompt or when DR can’t be used.

(For this example Domain a & sb2 will be used)

1. Identify failed bd. & the domain bd. resides in.

sms-svc:> showboards –v

2. Check status of domain. Verify if domain is at the ok> or
needs to brought down. If domain is up have SA bring domain

sms-svc:> console -d a

3. Power off the domain.
sms-svc:> setkeyswitch –d a off
Verify keyswitch setting.
sms-svc:> showkeyswitch –d a

3. Replace system bd. Verify amber light is on before pulling board. After replacing board. Wait until light turns green before proceding.

4. Power on domain to standby mode.
sms-svc:> setkeyswitch –d a standby
Verify keyswitch setting
sms-svc:> showkeyswitch –d a

5. Verify all SB are powered on before flashing.
sms-svc:> showboards –d a

6. Update the sb firmware

sms-svc:> flashupdate – f /opt/SUNWSMS/hostobjs/sgcpu.flash sb3

If firmware on the new bd. Doesn’t match the existing bds.
Answer YES to: Do you wish to update the FPROM?
Run the command again to verify update was successful

Sms-svc:> flashupdate – f /opt/SUNWSMS/hostobjs/sgcpu.flash sb3

7. Power on domain

sms-svc:> setkeyswitch –d a on

There you go, that covers both means of System Board replacement on a 12K/15K SunFire.